miƩrcoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Some friends went to a small village of New york but they didn´t now what happened there.
One gangster who lived in a scary house, killed a lot of people of the village. The gangster threw the dead bodies to silver lake, he put in the fet some blocks of cement, no to float. The gangster went to put out the fire but the friends were looking at the man. Finally the friend caught the man and took the gangster in a prision.

Igor Mendez 4.A

The secrets of Silver lake


Some friends went to a small village of New york but they didn´t now what happened there.
One gangster who lived in a scary house, killed a lot of people of the village. The gangster threw the dead bodies to silver lake, he put in the fet some blocks of cement, no to float. The gangster went to put out the fire but the friends were looking at the man. Finally the friend caught the man and took the gangster in a prision.

Igor Mendez 4.A

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

The secrets of Silver Lake

In this istory the protagonist were four children who were visiting a city. One day children went to visit Silver Lake and they saw that man threw something to the lake. Next day the children went to swim to the lake to see what was in it. They saw a dead bady, suddenly they went out to the lake very quickly, they were very frightened. They decided to follow the man and investigate the man.

Irati Lopez

domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Sharbat Gula

In this picture we can see one girl, here name is Sharbat Gula. Few persons know here name, this picture was extracted by a reporter in Pakistan. This picture is in the front of the National Geographic magacin, it was famous in the world.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

The Rescue

There was a summer day. There were two pigs and two dogs on the beach. .The pigs' names are Piggy and his son, Arnold, and the dogs was called Kipper and Tiger.
First, Tiger was on a towel and Kipper, Arnold and Piggy were playing. Later, Arold, Piggy and Kipper were seeing a pedal boat. Then, they were running on the beach, and Kipper had an idea: construct a sand boat, and they were putting a shells on the pedal boat. When they finish it, Arnold goes out to the sand and his mother followed him.

Kipper and Tiger went to fishing. Then they catched a starfish and they spoke what they had fished. Suddenly the tide was raising the tide and they climb to the big rock.
Then they saw a seagull flying around them.

After that, they're asking for help and are seen by Peggy and Arnold. They´re going to help their friends driving a pedal boat. The four are sitting on the boat and Kipper is throwing the seaweed to the sea. Finally,they´re going back to the beach.

When they were asking for help, they saw Arnold and he apeared with his mum driving a pedal boat. Finally, they return what they had fished to the sea, and they were happy and ate partridges.

Irati Lopez

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

On the day I was born

On the day I was born 4th of March,1993 Rwandian Hutu's & Tutsi's signed peace treaty in Arusha
