jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

The Rescue

There was a summer day. There were two pigs and two dogs on the beach. .The pigs' names are Piggy and his son, Arnold, and the dogs was called Kipper and Tiger.
First, Tiger was on a towel and Kipper, Arnold and Piggy were playing. Later, Arold, Piggy and Kipper were seeing a pedal boat. Then, they were running on the beach, and Kipper had an idea: construct a sand boat, and they were putting a shells on the pedal boat. When they finish it, Arnold goes out to the sand and his mother followed him.

Kipper and Tiger went to fishing. Then they catched a starfish and they spoke what they had fished. Suddenly the tide was raising the tide and they climb to the big rock.
Then they saw a seagull flying around them.

After that, they're asking for help and are seen by Peggy and Arnold. They´re going to help their friends driving a pedal boat. The four are sitting on the boat and Kipper is throwing the seaweed to the sea. Finally,they´re going back to the beach.

When they were asking for help, they saw Arnold and he apeared with his mum driving a pedal boat. Finally, they return what they had fished to the sea, and they were happy and ate partridges.

Irati Lopez

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

On the day I was born

On the day I was born 4th of March,1993 Rwandian Hutu's & Tutsi's signed peace treaty in Arusha


domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009


In the beginning, one day of summer, four friends are going to the beach because the weather is very good. They names are Kipper, the dog brown dog, Tiger is the black dog, the big pig is Piggy and the small pig is Arnold. Kipper and piggy are playing with Arnold, while tiger is sunbathing. Kipper and the pigs are looking at the pedal boat. Then, Kipper Arnold are racing until where tiger is. After that, Tiger, Kipper and Arnold are building a sand boat. After, Tiger and Kipper are going to fishing, Tiger is fishing a seaweeds and Kipper is fishing a starfish. Later, the tide goes in and they decide to climb a cliff. After that, they are asking for help but nobody . After that, the pigs are going to rescue Kipper and Tiger. Finally, old together come to the beach.


lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009

Gaur sin-chan-en egilea hil egin da

Gaur, 2009ko irailaren 21a, aurkitu egin dute sin-chan-en egilearen gorputza, mendi batean zegoen, esaten da senderizmo egiten ari zuen bitartean erori zela. Aurkitu dute bere mugikorraren huinen bitartez.